To all our wonderful Cloud 9 Zouk Students, please take note of this public health alert by Queensland health and action accordingly. If the below-listed locations and dates apply to you, please stay home, self-quarantine. Also, if you are feeling sick, or experiencing any symptoms such as fever, tiredness & dry cough, stay home and get tested. Lets keep everyone safe!
** Our classes will continue as usual with our Covid Safe plan in place! **
Public Health Alert Community members on Brisbane’s southside are asked to remain alert but not alarmed as Queensland records three new cases of novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The first case is a 19-year-old woman who tested positive after travelling interstate last week. She is an employee at Parklands Christian College on Brisbane’s southside. Queensland Health is working closely with the school which has temporarily closed until further notice. The second case is a 19-year-old female travel companion. Both cases travelled interstate together last week. It is believed they contracted the virus in Melbourne, Victoria. The third reported case is a known close contact, a 22-year-old woman, who tested positive later today. This individual is an employee of YMCA Chatswood Hills Outside School Hours Care. Queensland Health is working closely with the school and the care centre, both of which have temporarily closed until further notice. Any individuals who were present at the below locations at the relevant times are asked to immediately self-quarantine and contact 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84).
📍 21 July - Virgin flights VA863 (Melbourne to Sydney) and VA977 (Sydney to Brisbane) 📍 22-23 July - (9:30am-6pm) Parklands Christian College, Park Ridge 📍 23 July - (7-9pm) Madtongsan IV Restaurant - Sunnybank 📍 23 July - (9:25pm) Heeretea -Bubble Tea Shop - Sunnybank 📍 23 - 24 July - YMCA Chatswood Hills Outside School Hours Care - Springwood 📍 23 - 24 July - (3:30-5:30pm) Primary Medical and Dental Practice - Browns Plains 📍 26 July - (6:30-9:30pm) Thai Peak Restaurant - Springfield 📍 27 July - Cowch Dessert Cocktail Bar - Southbank 📍 27 July - P’Nut Street Noodles - Southbank 📍 28 July - African Grocery Shop - Woodridge (Station Rd) 📍 28 July (12.25pm-12.30pm) Primary Medical and Dental Practice - Browns Plains 📍 28 July - Chatime Grand Plaza - Browns Plains
Queensland Health said additional location information will be provided in a Public Health Alert as soon as it's available.
It's asking anyone who has symptoms of COVID-19, even if they are mild, to get tested. A number of Fever Clinic times have been extended:
▪️ Logan Hospital Fever Clinic - 8am-9pm - Wednesday 29 July-Thursday 30 July ▪️ QEII Hospital Fever Clinic - 8am - 9pm - Wednesday 29 July-Friday 31 July ▪️ Parklands Fever Clinic (school community testing) - Closes 7pm tonight. Opens 9am tomorrow ▪️ Orion Springfield Central Shopping Centre western car park (pop up clinic) - 9am-4pm - Thursday 30 July-Sunday 2 August
More Information: