UPDATED NEW BLOCK START DATE (*** Edited 9th August ***)
So, further to yesterday's announcement about the lockdown ending, we have this afternoon received info from our advisory body for dance associations about further restrictions to partner dancing being put into place for the next 2 week. Further to having to continue wearing masks, Contact during partner dancing is not now allowed for the next 2 weeks until 4pm, Sunday 22nd August 2021.
** As such, we will be postponing our Block 5 start date until the week of 23rd August **
We are BACK with our dance classes from 23rd August! 💃🕺👏🤗
Well done to everyone for doing all the right things and getting us through this most recent lockdown 👏
So, as you have heard the lockdown for Brisbane and affected SEQ areas ended Sunday 8th Aug at 4pm, and there are some restrictions still in place for the next 2 weeks (8th Aug - 22nd Aug) before easing further. Following on from yesterday's announcement, we have been advised today that further tightening of the restrictions for the 2 week period will affect dance studios to include No Contact during partner dance classes.
What does it mean for Cloud9Zouk Dance classes & Events?! Here it is:
👉 DANCE CLASSES: Classes are now scheduled to return the week commencing 23rd August (Week 1 of our new Block 5). We anticipate that there may still be a requirement to wear masks and for limited numbers, as has been the case for the last month or so, however that Contact with dance partner during dance practice should be allowed again.
Check In upon arrival through the Check In QLD App will remain compulsory as well as maintaining physical distancing while not dancing.
The main thing though will be that we will be able to get back together to see everyone again and to enjoy all the benefits and fun that dancing and being in classes with our friends brings to us all. 💗
Also, this means that our Open week of classes will take place Tuesday 24th & Thursday 26th August for Block 5 of our classes. We will of course continue to run our classes under the approved Covid Safe Plan for Dance and Physical Performing Arts.
So, please help us to spread the word about dancing and let your friends & family know about us 🤗🕺💃
More information here:
TUES 24/8 Open Night - https://www.cloud9zouk.com.au/events/open-week-b5-northside-tue-24th-aug
THUR 26/8 Open Night - https://www.cloud9zouk.com.au/events/open-week-b5-southside-thur-26th-aug
Yesterday, we also mentioned 2 new projects that we are starting this coming block. 🤩 We plan for these to still go ahead, however with modifications to the schedule:
1. ✨ IZD FLASHMOB ✨- We are still looking forward to International Zouk Day and making plans to some how run and take place in the IZD Flashmob Choreography, which is being learned by 100's of teams around the world to be performed on September 18th 2021. 🌏
** The Flashmob Choreography training session dates and times are To Be Confirmed - stay tuned! ** 📢
Here is a link for more info:
2. 🌟C9Z CHOREO TEAM 🌟 - The Cloud9Zouk Performance Team is starting again with a new choreo - Come along and be a part of our fun choreo challenge team and learn a fun routine over 12 weeks to perform at Brisbane Zouk Festival in November. 🤩
This choreo is suitable for dancers with more than 5 months Zouk classes experience (Foundation level) . The information night is now taking place on Thursday 26th Aug at 8:30pm @ East Brisbane State School. Here is a link for more info:
https://www.cloud9zouk.com.au/community-forum/classes-events/cloud9zouk-performance-team-challenges-are-on-again (note that we are in the process of updating dates and details, which should be finalised tonight).
👉 EVENTS & PARTIES: We will of course be postponing any parties and hoping to hold our first event in a while on 29th August, pending further updates. :)
If you have already purchased a pass for a Zouk Sundays or a C9Z Saturday event, we automatically transfer all tickets to our next schedule date for Sunday or Saturday event and you'll be on the guest list as a credit from the postponed party. To avoid confusion, as soon as we are a green light 🚦 to go, we will reissue all new tickets the day prior, and send a reminder by email a few days beforehand.
Missing everyone, and sending you all encouragement. 💗 Little by little we are getting over each hurdle, Queenslanders, and our little dance family, so keep your chins up in this time of challenge for everyone, and let's stay safe. 🤗
We can't wait to see you all soon, back in classes and on the dance floor. 💃🕺🎶
Cloud9Zouk Team ❤