The wait is finally over! We are returning to partner dance classes from July 21st! ❤ 💃🕺🤗
You may have already heard the wonderful news & felt the buzz about being able to return to partner dancing (with cautionary measures in place 🙂 ), but here is a little recap:
In Stage 3 of easing off restriction for Queensland, contact sports, including partner dancing, has been allowed again since the 3rd of July (brought forward from 10th July).
It may still sound a bit confusing as there are still social distancing recommendations in place within our community, however, dance classes are now okay provided there is an appropriate Covid safe plan in place. 😊
So, get ready as Cloud9 Zouk classes are returning from Tuesday 21st!
We have been waiting for this news 🤩, studying the guidelines and getting prepared, so that we can have our Covid safe plan in place for you, in line with industry leading organisations & within the Queensland guidelines of safe practice.
More information, including final timetable confirmation will be available soon on our website, but in the meantime, keep your schedules free for our regular Tuesdays & Thursdays! ✨✨
We would love you to help us to spread the word about this beautiful dance style & help us to get back into it stronger than ever! ♥️